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Abercerdin Homework Information


What can parents/carers can expect for homework on a weekly basis?


  • Basic Skills Homework Weekly - Junior pupils

Each Friday your child will bring home an orange Homework Book. You will find Basic Skills homework for that week:

  1. A spelling list of 5-10 words to learn by the following week
  2. Handwriting practice
  3. Times table list or maths questions
  4. Reading targets from Oxford Reading Owl


  • Basic Skills Homework Weekly - Infant pupils

 Each Friday your child will bring home an orange Homework Book. You will find Basic Skills homework for that week:

  1. A list of 5 sounds to practice and reinforce by the following week
  2. Letter formation practice
  3. Maths questions
  4. Reading targets sent home as Read Write Inc. Books


  • Teacher's Fortnightly Challenges
  1. Your child's teacher will publish a Fortnightly newsletter on their Virtual learning Site to share your child's learning experiences. You will find class challenges each fortnight for your child to complete in their orange Homework book.


  • Head teacher's Monthly Challenge
  1. Mrs Gentle will set a monthly Assembly challenge. This will be published in her newsletters found on the Homepage of Abercerdin's website.


Homework books will be sent out on a Friday each week and need to be returned by the following Wednesday in order for your child's teacher to update the Homework book.


  • Constant Homework Content

How to navigate the VLE Homework tabs

On the inside cover of your child's orange Homework book you will find your Digital Passport. This will include all the passwords that you will need in order to access numerous learning sites.


You will find tabs that will allow you to access additional homework for your child.


You will find that the VLE Homework Site is divided into 'Parental Support' activities (in which you will need to support your child in carrying out your chosen activity) and 'Independent Child' activities (activities that your child can get on with without your support).