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Attendance at Abercerdin Primary School

At Abercerdin Primary School, we want every child to gain the most from their education. Attending school every day and on time is essential for children to reach their full potential.


We believe in providing a positive start to the day for all pupils. Arriving on time ensures children are calm, settled, and ready to embrace their learning. Pupils who are consistently late miss valuable learning time.

  • In cases where lateness cannot be avoided, pupils should enter via the main entrance and report to the school office.

Children who are significantly late must be accompanied by an adult. 


School Start Times:

  • 8:55 am for Morning Nursery to Year 6  

The gates to the playground are opened at 8:45 am for Nursery to Year 6 to ensure children are ready for the start of the school day. The gates close promptly at 8 am.


School Finish Times:

  • Nursery/Reception 3pm
  • 3:15om Year One to Year Six


The school target for all children is 95%, and we encourage regular attendance to ensure pupils only miss school when absolutely necessary, such as for illness.

Informing the School of Absence

If your child is unable to attend school due to illness, please notify the school by telephone or email, by 10:00 am on the first day of absence:  admin@abercerdinps.bridgend.cymru

  • Children with sickness and diarrhoea should be kept off school for 48 hours.
  • Please ensure the school has up-to-date contact information so we can reach you if your child becomes ill during school hours.


Parents should make every effort to schedule appointments outside of school hours.

  • If your child has a morning appointment, they should return to school as soon as possible.
  • If your child has an afternoon appointment, they should attend school in the morning.

Absence for Holidays

At Abercerdin Primary School, we understand that life-enriching experiences outside of school are important. However, as children only spend a limited amount of time in school, it’s crucial to maximize this time for their learning.

  • Holidays during term time can cause children to fall behind in their studies and affect their performance in assessments.
  • According to Section 444 of the Education Act 1996, “regular attendance” is required, and parents must seek the headteacher’s permission to remove their child from school for a holiday.

If the headteacher does not grant permission, the absence will be treated as unauthorised, and parents may face a fixed penalty notice (fine). Under the 2010 Regulations, schools have the discretion to authorise up to ten days of absence during a school year if deemed necessary.

To inform the school about a planned holiday absence, please complete our Holiday Request Form.